Note on “Moment Of Truth”

First of all, the “misspellings” within Bing’s dialogue is not misspellings at all. It is actually my way of trying to accent Bing’s disability. Though I do not mention exactly what is wrong with Bing, I do make it known that he cannot live or survive on his own, hence the promise Ryan made to their parents never to abandon his little brother. The moment of truth, hinted at by the title, is not the decision Ryan has to make, but the moment where Bing has to make the decision to make the ultimate sacrifice to save his brother from becoming homeless and losing it all. It is the moment where all have to realize that they must forever part as a family unit and make new lives for themselves without dependence on each other…Bing upon Ryan and Sam.

I wanted to write a poignant story where the hero was not perfect or average. I wanted the hero to be someone who’d had to rely on others their whole life only to find that they held the key to everyone’s happiness and welfare in their hands. I wanted broken. I wanted someone who had a handicap.

Having dealt with handicapped people all my life, and seeing what they are truly capable of, was a deciding factor in this story. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.