Three For Three…

I am making a lot of progress on this story, despite the fact that I am suffering from a migraine. An amazing feat for me, since I usually can’t think straight when I have these. I am hoping that you are finding these chapters interesting. I am adding new surprises and also shifting some of the chapters around. I am thinking about bringing the climax of the story sooner. Like several chapters sooner. But not yet.

I will give you insight into my migraines. I have suffered them since I was a child. I have had to cope with them for over thirty years that I can remember. When I was married to my second wife, I was on valproic acid, migraine strength Tylenol, and Max-Alt for them. I stopped taking the Valproic when I realized that it made my migraines worse. Not being a big pill person, I sort of drifted away from taking the Max-Alt as well. I usually take migraine strength Tylenol, though, for ones as bad as the one I am dealing with tonight.

But if I can beat them without, I usually do. Tonight, though, I am wishing I had some Tylenol to take…and I do not have any at all. Oh, well. I should probably go ahead and go to bed. I may not get any sleep tonight, but it is worth a try. I will catch you on the flipside.